The program review of the B.Sc. (Honours) in Food Science and Nutrition (BSc Hons Food Sc & Nutr) and B.Sc. (Honours) in Food Production and Technology Management (BSc Hons Food Prod  & Tech Mgmt) of Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition (FLFN), of Wayamba  University was successfully completed with the site visit held from 7th – 10th January 2020.  The Faculty was well prepared for the site-visit of the program review (PR) with documentary evidence with regard to the quality of the study programs which was measured by the eight review criteria specified in the PR Manual of the QAAC.   The rigorous process of review was conducted by the Programme review panel which was chaired by Prof. KDDS Ranaweera (University of Sri Jayawardanapura) and other members of the panel were, Prof. Sudas Wanniarachchi (University of Ruhuna), Prof. Dinesh Jayasena (Uva Wellassa University) and Dr. Sampath Kumara (University of Ruhuna).

The faculty was very happy about process of PR visit and the way the review team has conducted the visit. The Review team was very cooperative in their evaluations and very constructive in criticisms.  The faculty was very grateful to review panel for their very amicable disposition throughout the visit. According to briefing and the closing remarks at the wrap-up session by the review team, the dedication of the faculty for the program review was commendable and faculty has very fruitful set of good practices worth shared by the other faculties of the university system.  The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Ajith Jayaweera has expressed his gratitude to the Coordinators- FQAC, Prof Anoma Chadrasekara and Dr Ananda Chandrasekara, Heads of the four Departments, SER writers and all academic and administrative staff members, all the staff of the Dean’s office and all the nonacademic staff members of the faculty who extended their fullest cooperation throughout the self-evaluation report writing and during the site visit.