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Scholarships & financial aid

“Prabashwara” Scholarship Program

The scholarship shall be termed as “The Prabashwara Scholarship”

It shall be administrated by “Scholarship committee for the Scholarship”. which shall Dean, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Appointed members from each department of the Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka by the board of the Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition. Senior Assistant Bursar or Assistant Bursar of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura premises. Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.Chairman of the student advisory and welfare committee.President of the student union of the year considered. If union is not established or if student is a candidate herself himself or her/his relative is an candidate for the scholarship a registered student will present the student community.

Recipient students shall be an undergraduate of Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Applications will be called based on an open advertisement to all the first year students of flfn.

Notice for “Prabashwara” Scholarship Program

Mahapola scholarship

The Mahapola scholarship scheme is a financial assistance awarded for students of the university by the Mahapola Trust Fund and the selection of eligible students to receive the Mahapola scholarship is done by the University Grants Commission in every academic year.

The applications for Mahapola Scholarship will be sent to the students by the UGC. Eligible students are entitled to receive maximum 10 installments of Rs. 5000/- per academic year and the students should maintain 80% of attendance for academic activities in order to receive the scholarship.

For more information:


Bursary financial assistance

The students who are not entitled to receive Mahapola or other scholarships are eligible to apply for bursary.

The application form for bursary will be sent by the Student Registration & Welfare branch with the other documents at the time of registration at the Wayamba University. The students of the faculty should hand over the duly filled application with relevant documents to the Grama Niladari in the residence area enabling him /her to dispatch the documents through the relevant Divisional Secretary to reach Assistant Registrar/Common Support Unit, Wayamba University, Makandura on or before the closing date

The selection of eligible students will be done according to the University Grants Commission Circular 3/2019. The eligible students are entitled to receive Rs. 4,000/- for maximum 10 installments per academic year.