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Applied Nutrition

The Department of Applied Nutrition is playing a major role in B.Sc. Food Science & Nutrition Degree which is the only nutrition related undergraduate program offered by a state university. 

Food Science & Technology

DFST works with the mission of contributing to the society through the pursuit of education in Food Science and Technology in learning, disseminating knowledge and meeting international standards in research and teaching at the highest level of excellence.

Aquaculture & Fisheries

DAF was established in year 2001 with a mission, to be the leader in tertiary education, research, skill development and outreach in the fields of aquaculture and fisheries production, product processing and allied sectors that would ensure an environmental friendly fisheries and aquaculture sector.

Livestock & Avian Sciences

Together with the improvement in the standards of living in developing countries, the demand for livestock products has increased dramatically in recent years.  This trend is expected to continue such that by the year 2020 the value of animal products will be equal to those from all crops.