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Department of Applied Nutrition


  • Commonwealth Scholarship Award – 2013 for a PhD study in University of Reading, UK
  • ‘NRC merit award for scientific publication’-2015 (PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION 2015, Vol 18, Iss 18, pp 2874-2880
  • ‘NRC merit award for scientific publication’-2014 (BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2014, Vol 14, Art No. 1291)
  • ‘NRC merit award for scientific publication’- 2013 (BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2013, Vol 13, Art No. 994)
  • ‘NRC merit award for scientific publication’- 2010 and 2012 (Food Nutr Bull 31 (4), 475-482 and BMC research notes 5 (1), 469)
  • Postgraduate research award-2012-Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLASS)
  • Ceylon college of Physicians Best publication award 2012 (Diabetol Metab Syndr 2012, Vol 4 (1): 13)
  • Young scientist award at 12th congress of the international society for the study of fatty acids and lipids (ISSFAL), 5-9 September 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
  • Young scientist award and ALASK OMEGA travel grant at 13 th congress of the international society for the study of fatty acids and lipids (ISSFAL), May 27-31, 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  • Best presenter award for the paper presented on “High Prevalence of Malnutrition and Household Food Insecurity in the Rural Subsistence Paddy Farming Sector”in the Food and Nutrition session of the 19th Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  • The certificate award for the Most Attentive Participant in the Certificate Course on Staff Development (CCSD) 2007/2008.
  • The certificate award for the recognition of presentation skills in the seminar presentation of the Certificate Course on Staff Development (CCSD) 2007/2008.
  • Received a fellowship to attend regional course on “Nutrition Assessment” conducted by SEAMEO-TROPMED, Regional Centre for Community Nutrition (RCCN), University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2009.
  • Received a travel award to attend 19th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN 2009), Bangkok, Thailand from 4th to 9th October 2009.
  • Awarded the best abstract in the Hugh Sinclair Nutrition Research Group Doctoral conference on February, 2015 at University of Reading, UK.


  • Australia Awards – Endeavour Research Fellowship tenable in Deakin University, Australia (2018)
  • National Research Council Merit Awards for Scientific Publications (2014)
  • Commonwealth Fellowship by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK (2013).
  • Commonwealth Academic Scholarship by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK (1997-2000)
  • Fellowship from United Nations University to follow 7th International Graduate Course in Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition held in the Netherlands in 2005.
  • Fellowship – International Visitor Leadership Programme in the USA on “Agricultural Production Standards: Farm to Table” (2013) sponsored by US State Department
  • Best student research presentation – Nutrition Society Meeting, Cork, Ireland in 2000.


  • 2011 Recipient of American Oil’s Chemists Society (AOCS) Honored Student Award (Health & Nutrition Division)
  • 2011 Recipient of J. Beryl Truscott Graduate Scholarship, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada.
  • 2011 Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada.
  • 2011 Semi-finalist and recipient for Withycombe-Charalambous Award for excellence in graduate research, American Chemical Society (Agricultural & Food Chemistry Division)

Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries



  • 2014 : Japan International Fisheries Research Society (JIFRS) Yamamoto price for the best paper at the “International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade” IIFET-2014 Australia Conference.
  • 2008 – 2011: United Nations Universities -FTP full scholarship for Ph.D. studies
  • 2007 – 2008: United Nations Universities – FTP full fellowships to participate in the training on “Marine and Inland Waters Resources, Assessment and Monitoring” in Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • 2002 – 2004: Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Science and Technology Personal Development Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, full scholarship for M.Sc. Programme.