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Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development

Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) is a World Bank funded Sri Lankan government operation to support the higher education sector. This project focuses on Enriching Learning, Teaching, Assessment and English Language Skills Enhancement (ELTA-ELSE) Development Projects (DPs) for Faculty of Livestock Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.


Total allocation for the Development Project: 120 Mn

Effective awarding date: 27th May 2019

Duration of the Development Project: Three years

Overall project coordinator: Prof. ODAN Perera

Activity Coordinators:

Activity 01: Dr. MDST de Croos

Activity 02: Dr. HPS Senarath

Activity 03: Dr. JMKJK Premarathna

Activity 04: Prof. ODAN Perera

Activity 05: Dr. HP Gunawardena

Deputy Activity Coordinators:

Activity 01: Miss. C C Walpita

Activity 02: Dr. A N Madusanka

Activity 03: Miss. D J Abeygunawardane

Activity 04: Dr.  W D S S Pemasinghe

Activity 05: Ms. W M C Fernando

Project Assistant: Mr. PGNM Dharmasiri

Major themes covered by the project:

  1. A supportive and inclusive learning environment and scholar community
  2. Technology enhancement towards accredited teaching learning programme
  3. Investing in change towards developing budding entrepreneurs
  4. Recognize global living
  5. Universal graduate facing the world with confidence: equipping with English language.

Sub activities covered under each theme:

Activity Sub Activity
Activity 01 1.1 Personalized and peer-group learning activities through digital/online supportive system to facilitate ‘flipped classroom’.
1.2 Combine modern higher education pedagogy through the development of thinking and creativity enhanced physical environment: “Think-Hub”.
1.3 Train staff and students work in digital/online learning environment.
Activity 02 2.1 Development of web assisted system to facilitate the assessment, day-today activities and online feedback.
2.2 Improving student learning capacity and skills through accredited teaching and learning programme.
2.3 Competency development of students via strengthening the faculty research culture.
Activity 03 3.1 Conduct minor but dramatically impacting changes in curriculum to accommodate entrepreneurship development.
3.2 Development of University Sales Centre –“WayaMART”.
3.3 Convert undergraduate research into Industrial Research projects and online dietetic consultation service.
Activity 04 4.1. Upgrade the Social Harmony and Conflict Resolution Non Credit Course Module to credit course module “social and emotional learning”.   See details
4.2 Improve Social Emotional Learning Skills of students through “Faculty Career Guidance Program”.
4.3 Conceptual transformation of students to be responsible personnel for “GREEN” concept.
Activity 05 5.1 Provide a platform for undergraduates to develop English language skills through Peer teaching and learning process.
5.2 Digital learning of English through “Fans Club” using the resources of Teaching & Learning Resource Centre & language lab.
5.3 “Business English Pod” Online course modules to turn basic English to Business English.


  • DAN (Department of Applied Nutrition) ELTA-ELSE grant

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