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The Quality Assurance Cell of the Faculty of Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries & Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka was established in 2016 according to the guidelines given by the Quality Assurance Council of UGC. FQAC has a broad mandate of coordinating all the quality assurance related activities within the faculty in liaison with the Director, Centre for Quality Assurance of the University in line with the UGC circular 04/2015. It also promotes measures for faculty level functioning towards quality enhancement through internalizing best practices in academic, academic-related and administrative processes. The UGC, empowered by Section 4(2) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, Quality Assurance and Accreditation would pursue/promote QA programmes according to universities.

Quality Assurance (QA) is the means by which an institution can guarantee with confidence and certainty, that the standard and quality of its educational provision are being monitored, maintained and enhanced. FQAC has a broad mandate of coordinating all the quality assurance related activities within the faculty in liaison with the Internal Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU) of the University in line with the commission circular 04/2015. It also promotes measures for faculty level functioning towards quality enhancement through internalizing of best practices in academic, academic-related and administrative processes.

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Postal address:

Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Faculty of Livestock Fisheries and Nutrition
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka.