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Biostatistics Unit

Biostatistics Unit was established as a part of the Faculty of Livestock Fisheries & Nutrition in the year 2013. The unit caters to students from both B. Sc. Food Science & Nutrition and Food Production & Technology Management degree programmes offering basic as well as advanced course modules related to Statistics, Mathematics & Agronomy. These course modules provide knowledge on fundamental principles & enable students to develop their analytical skills in statistics and mathematics. Biostatistics Unit is also offering course modules to cover the basic scientific principles of agriculture & agronomical aspects with the view of increasing food production and food security.

Students from both degree programmes who wish to gain sound experience on statistical applications in food production systems, processes & technology have opportunities to conduct their research in Biostatistics & Agronomy in collaboration with other departments in the faculty as well as with recognized outside institutions. The unit also offers services/course modules/workshops on experimental design & planning to help students at the final year for successful planning, implementing & completing their undergraduate research projects.

Currently the main research and development efforts in the Biostatistics unit is in collaboration with outside institutions & the departments of the faculty on Pattern Recognition & Image Processing for complex biological processes using Artificial Neural Networks, Trend Analysis in different food production systems, investigating the potential impacts of climate change on national food security & implications of environmental pollution on human health.